Shasta Environmental Alliance is organizing another free Earth Day Festival at Caldwell Park on Saturday, April 20 from 11 am to 4 pm. This year’s Earth Day theme is Planet vs. Plastics to educate the public about the threats that plastics, especially microplastics, pose to our environment. This is the theme of International Earth Day and you can go to their website at earthday.org to find out more information.
We will be asking all exhibitors and food vendors not to bring single-use plastic items to this year’s event. We will be inviting 5 artists to exhibit paintings with an environmental or outdoor natural theme and we will have a few food vendors. Once again we will have music, but will arrange the setup so we will not have booths too close to the music so exhibitors can easily converse with people at their booths. As usual, we will have many exhibits, games, and activities for young children, but we will be adding a few activities for middle school children as well.
This will once again be a non-commercial event except for food vendors. If you would like to have a booth at the Festival for your nonprofit, community group, or public agency, contact david@ecoshasta.org. Nonprofit and community exhibitor fees are $30, agencies are $60, and schools can exhibit free of charge.